Picture Books (2017)

The Picture Book Shortlist from 2017 is below — and the WINNER, with 45.7% of the vote, was “The Grasshopper & the Ants”

Finding Winnie
Find­ing Winnie

Find­ing Win­nie: The True Sto­ry of the World’s Most Famous Bear by Lind­say Mattick


The Grasshop­per and the Ants

The Grasshop­per and the Ants by Jer­ry Pinkney



Issun Boshi
Issun Boshi

Issun Boshi by Icinori







The New Small Person
The New Small Person

The New Small Per­son by Lau­ren Child



Slug Needs a Hug

Slug Needs a Hug by Jeanne Willis





Snore! by Michael Rosen