Younger Reader Books (2019)

Captain Coconut & the Case of the Missing Bananas’ by Anushka Ravishankar

‘Cap­tain Coconut & the Case of the Miss­ing Bananas’ by Anush­ka Ravishankar

Meet the ace Detec­tive Cap­tain Coconut, who pro­claims he can solve any mys­tery large or small, as he is called in to inves­ti­gate the case of the miss­ing bananas. He soon finds him­self on a slip­pery trail of peels and miss­ing num­bers. Anush­ka Rav­is­hankar, India’s best known writer of non­sense verse, is at her best in this absurd yet per­fect­ly log­i­cal tale, which gen­tly satiris­es the very form that it uses. British-Indi­an artist Priya Sundram’s col­lage art brings togeth­er ele­ments of pop­u­lar Indi­an imagery – drawn from adver­tis­ing, movies, news­pa­pers and inte­ri­or dec­o­ra­tion – to cre­ate a hilar­i­ous­ly sur­re­al world. It is a detec­tive tale that grips the read­er’s atten­tion with its humor­ous rav­el­ling and unrav­el­ling of clues and numbers!





Daisy and the Trouble with Chocolate’ — Kes Gray

‘Daisy and the Trou­ble with Choco­late’ — Kes Gray

Daisy is SO excit­ed! She’s been picked to look after the class ham­sters, Pick­le and Pops, over the East­er hol­i­days – AND her mum’s tak­ing her to Choco­late Land!!!

Trou­ble is, the two things prob­a­bly should­n’t mix …

The total­ly trou­ble­some and laugh-out-loud fun­ny new tale from the best­selling ‘Daisy’ series.







Rivers of Sunlight’ by Molly Bang and Penny Chisholm

‘Rivers of Sun­light’ by Mol­ly Bang and Pen­ny Chisholm

In this book, the sun speaks direct­ly to read­ers, explain­ing that our planet’s water is in a con­stant state of move­ment and change: “I keep water mov­ing, cycling from sea to air to land and back again. I keep the cycle in bal­ance.” The vibrant blues, greens, and blues of Bang’s folk-art-style art­work under­score the con­nec­tions between sun, water, and life, while clar­i­fy­ing evap­o­ra­tion, cur­rents, and oth­er top­ics. Lyri­cal writ­ing draws into sharp focus the impor­tance of pro­tect­ing and cher­ish­ing water. An exten­sive after­word pro­vides a wealth of addi­tion­al detail.

In this bright­ly illus­trat­ed nar­ra­tive, read­ers will learn about the con­stant move­ment of water as it flows around the Earth and the sun’s impor­tant role as water changes between liq­uid, vapor, and ice. From sea to sky, the sun both heats and cools water, ensur­ing that life can exist on Earth.

How does the sun keep ocean cur­rents mov­ing and lift fresh water from the seas? What can we do to con­serve one of our plan­et’s most pre­cious resources?


Samurai vs Ninja — The Battle for the Golden Egg’ by Nick Falk

‘Samu­rai vs Nin­ja — The Bat­tle for the Gold­en Egg’ by Nick Falk

In the Edo Peri­od of Japan, two teams fight for suprema­cy – the seri­ous samu­rai and the schem­ing nin­jas. To deter­mine who is the best, a dead­ly con­test is held. The prize is the Gold­en Egg, the most mag­nif­i­cent trea­sure in all of Japan. But when the nin­jas cheat, the samu­rai will stop at noth­ing to get revenge. Tight­en your top­knot and sharp­en your sword – the Samu­rai vs Nin­ja bat­tle is about to begin! Get ready for the great­est bat­tle of all time!









The Bad Guys’ (Chapter 1) by Aaron Blabey

‘The Bad Guys’ (Chap­ter 1) by Aaron Blabey

They sound like the Bad Guys, they look like the Bad Guys … and they even smell like the Bad Guys. They’re scary and dan­ger­ous and well … just BAD. But these guys want to be HEROES. And they’re going to prove it by doing good deeds … whether YOU want them to or not.

Mr Wolf, Mr Piran­ha, Mr Snake and Mr Shark are about to change all of that! Mr Wolf has a dar­ing plan for the Bad Guys first good mis­sion. The gang are going to break 200 dogs out of the Max­i­mum Secu­ri­ty City Dog Pound. Will Oper­a­tion Dog Pound go smooth­ly? Will the Bad Guys become the Good Guys? And will Mr Snake please spit out Mr Piranha?

Buck­le up for the fun­ni­est, naugh­ti­est and coolest book you’ll ever read – it’s time to meet the BAD GUYS.



Yours Sincerely, Giraffe’ by Megumi Iwasa

‘Yours Sin­cere­ly, Giraffe’ by Megu­mi Iwasa

Giraffe is bored, as usu­al. He’d love a friend to share things with. So he writes a let­ter and sends it as far as pos­si­ble across the oth­er side of the hori­zon. There he finds a pen pal Pen­guin. What fol­lows is an exchange of let­ters, where Giraffe wants to find out more about Pen­guin and Pen­guin wants to find out more about Giraffe. One day they decide they need to meet each oth­er … will they like what they see when it final­ly happens?