Younger Reader Books (2020)

Bad Nana’ by Sophy Henn

‘Bad Nana’ by Sophy Henn

Jeanie’s Grand­ma is BAD. Not bad like a vam­pire or a gang­ster or any­thing, more like … up to no good. Some­times she can be a bit embar­rass­ing but most of the time she’s REALLY fun, espe­cial­ly when she gets Jeanie involved in her mis­chie­vous schemes. Every­one says she’s old enough to know bet­ter … but she doesn’t seem to care one bit. In fact, Jeanie thinks she might quite like it!






My Wounded Island’ by Jacques Pasquet

‘My Wound­ed Island’ by Jacques Pasquet

There’s an invis­i­ble crea­ture in the waves around Sarichef. It is alter­ing the lives of the Inu­pi­at peo­ple who call the island home. A young girl and her fam­i­ly are forced to move to the cen­tre of the island for refuge from the ris­ing sea lev­el. Soon the entire vil­lage will have to relo­cate to the main­land. Heart­bro­ken, the young girl and her grand­fa­ther wor­ry: what else will be lost when they are forced to aban­don their homes and their community?

Address­ing the top­ic of cli­mate refugees, My Wound­ed Island is based on the chal­lenges faced by the Inu­pi­at peo­ple who live on the small islands north of the Bering Strait near the Arc­tic Circle.

Ninja Kid – From Nerd to Ninja’ by Anh Do

‘Nin­ja Kid’ by Anh Do

Nel­son’s a nerd! Unfit, uncool…totally awk­ward! But when he wakes up on his tenth birth­day, he dis­cov­ers he’s a NINJA! THE LAST NINJA ON EARTH! How’s he going to save the world when he can’t even get his undies on the right way?! With the help of Grand­ma’s inven­tions and his wild cousin Ken­ny, can Nel­son mas­ter his new nin­ja skills AND save Duck Creek?







Peter & Ernesto: A Tale of Two Sloths’ by Graham Annable

‘Peter & Ernesto: A Tale of Two Sloths’ by Gra­ham Annable

Peter and Ernesto are sloths. Peter and Ernesto are friends. But Peter and Ernesto are noth­ing alike. Peter loves their tree and nev­er wants to leave, while Ernesto loves the sky and wants to see it from every place on Earth. When Ernesto leaves to have a grand adven­ture, Peter stays behind and frets. The two friends grow even clos­er in sep­a­ra­tion, as Peter the home­body expands his hori­zons and Ernesto the wan­der­er learns the val­ue of home. With ridicu­lous­ly cute art and sim­ple, fun­ny text, their reunion is even more adorable than you are imagining.




Sydney and Simon: To the Moon!’ by Paul A. Reynolds

‘Syd­ney & Simon To the Moon!’ by Paul A. Reynolds

The chance to meet astro­naut Kris Kornfield is a dream come true for twins Syd­ney and Simon. But first they have to come up with the most cre­ative project about the Earth’s moon. While Sydney’s work is all about the art, and Simon’s is all about the data, nei­ther seems cre­ative enough to win the prize. But when they put their heads togeth­er, they incor­po­rate S.T.E.A.M. think­ing and come up with a win­ning idea. The third install­ment in the Syd­ney & Simon series, this kid-friend­ly sto­ry makes sci­ence con­cepts acces­si­ble and exciting.





The Quest for Z’ by Greg Pizzoli

‘The Quest for Z’ by Greg Pizzoli

British explor­er Per­cy Faw­cett believed that hid­den deep with­in the Ama­zon rain­for­est was an ancient city, lost for the ages. Most peo­ple did­n’t even believe this city exist­ed. But if Faw­cett could find it, he would be rich and famous for­ev­er. This is the true sto­ry of one man’s thrilling, dan­ger­ous jour­ney into the jun­gle, and what he found on his quest for the lost city of Z.